With over 180 Billion miles of data driven, millions of drivers, and growing clients, we have insights to share about road safety, ways apps can learn to use driving behavior to improve their businesses, and more.
Can projects aimed at improving bus service also improve safety? Zendrive conducted an analysis to measure the impact of the project, collecting data before and after certain features–such as red transit-only lanes, left turn restrictions and forced right turns for private vehicles–went into effect.
Zendrive conducted an analysis to measure the success of the Safer Market Street project, which took effect in August 2016. Using our data and technology, we examined over 100,000 trips and 2,000 drivers from August 2015 to February 2016.
We combined police data with historical collision records available from transbasesf.org to create a map of bike collisions over a 10-year period. Crash locations are mapped to their closest intersection in SF reporting, with Downtown, SoMa, and the Mission as the most collision-prone neighborhoods.
Over the past several months, we’ve conducted a secret study on ridesharing. We found that taxis were by far the worst of the bunch, speeding about 50% more than rideshares. This was even worse during peak hours, when taxis sped about 2.5 times as much as rideshares did.